Most Common Symptoms of Candida Yeast Infection

In the past several years, I’ve probably answered hundreds of question on various Candida-related subjects. Most of those questions arrived by private message or email, and I still have most of these messages and refer to them to now and then. When people who are suffering from a Candida overgrowth asked me questions or for […]

The Metabolism of the Fungus Candida Albicans and the resulting Metabolites Produced during the Process

Metabolism is the biochemical assimilation as well as the dissimilation of vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients by a cell. Metabolites are the substances that are produced by and during the process of metabolism or by a metabolic process. Metabolites can be described as the compounds which are synthesized by plants or animals for uses such […]

Candida Treatment: Blog Part 6 Updated 1 year after going off of the Candida Diet and Treatment.

If you didn’t read the previous parts to my treatment, you can see them here: A Candida Infestation: In The Beginning Part 1 A Candida Infestation: What Exactly Am I Dealing With? Part 2 Candida Infestation: Treatment Blog, Part 3 A Candida Infestation: The Blog, Part 4 Candida Blog Part 5: Symptom-free for Six months […]

Hair Loss: A Symptom of Candida

During a Candida infestation, hair loss is often a worrisome and emotional problem for both men and women. Over the years, I’ve received many messages and letters from Candida sufferers who were desperate for answers to their questions about losing their hair during their Candida infestation. Many of them have used statements such as, “This […]

Candida and Swedish Digestive-Bitters

A decrease of the body’s production of enzymes seems to be very common with a Candida overgrowth, which make sense when you take note of how the overgrowth interferes with digestion in general, and digestive enzymes play such a large role in the proper digestion of foods. Using the bitters from the beginning of your […]

Candida Blog Part 5: Symptom-free for Six months

You can find the previous parts here: A Candida Infestation: In The Beginning Part 1 A Candida Infestation: What Exactly Am I Dealing With? Part 2 Candida Infestation: Treatment Blog, Part 3 A Candida Infestation: The Blog, Part 4 and the last part, part 6: Candida Treatment: Blog Part 6 Updated 1 year December, 2011 […]

Taking Probiotics with Undecenoic Acid

Many people have asked me if they can take CFort10 (Undecenoic acid) along with their probiotic. According to the Microbiological Laboratories’ research department, “Fatty acids exert a fungistatic and fungicidal action on dermatophytes (fungi).” This is basically the same thing that the acid-producing bacteria in the probiotics do. Undecenoic acid, being of course a medium-chain […]

Candida: Benefits of Herbal Teas

Anyone who has a Candida albicans overgrowth should try to be extremely careful as far as both the food and drinks which they ingest; first because so many foods as well as beverages contain hidden carbohydrates and most importantly, they often contain hidden sugars. In fact, commercially packaged foods and drinks in general contain many […]

Candida Infestation and Biotin

In a research study, a group of Candida sufferers were tested for the biotin levels in their blood streams, and the results showed that an unusually high percentage of the Candida sufferers exhibited a minor to large deficiency of biotin. In one research study in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa, participants […]

Candida: Bloating, Vegetables, and Fruit

Bloating and General Indigestion A lot of people who are suffering from a Candida albicans infestation have huge and multiple digestion issues throughout their infestation and treatment. Most often the indigestion will emerge as either bloating, gas, pain in the stomach, constant burping, diarrhea, and constipation seems to be one of the most common symptoms […]

Candida Contradictions and Eye Floaters

If you’re suffering from a Candida overgrowth and you’ve been researching the various diets and treatments for a Candida albicans infestation, you’re no doubt experiencing the very same problem as every other person who has suffered through a Candida overgrowth in their body and tried to find answer to their questions about a diet and […]

Foods To Eat And Avoid On The Candida Diet

There’s always at least one good reason that a specific food should not be eaten during a Candida treatment, and if you have a Candida overgrowth, then you probably already know that the reason usually has to do with trying to avoid foods that can feed the Candida. But there are many other reasons to […]

How To Treat Candida Rash

Candida: The Dreaded Rash Very few people manage to escape a Candida albicans overgrowth in their body without experiencing a yeast related rash at some point during the infestation. The reason is for a rash appearing during a Candida infestation is, when an overgrowth of Candida develops in the intestines, a Candida outbreak can literally […]

Benefits of Nettle Leaf Tea

To list and explain the various uses and benefits of Nettle Leaf Tea in general, and especially during a Candida albicans treatment could take an entire article, and so it will. If you saw the actual Nettle Leaf plant out in the wild, the last thing you would think is, “Wow, I’d love to have […]

The Complete Candida Detox, Diet, and Protocol – 1 of 4

Table of Contents: Chapter 1: In the Beginning: Preparation Chapter 2: Hunger and Weight Loss Chapter 3: The Detox Chapter 4: The Diet, Stage 1 Chapter 5: The Antifungals Chapter 6: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs Chapter 7: Digestion, Indigestion, and Depression Chapter 8: Natural & Commercial Probiotics Chapter 9: Candida’s Connection to Food Allergies Chapter […]

The Complete Candida Detox, Diet, and Protocol – 2 of 4

Table of Contents: Chapter 1: In the Beginning: Preparation Chapter 2: Hunger and Weight Loss Chapter 3: The Detox Chapter 4: The Diet, Stage 1 Chapter 5: The Antifungals Chapter 6: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs Chapter 7: Digestion, Indigestion, and Depression Chapter 8: Natural & Commercial Probiotics Chapter 9: Candida’s Connection to Food Allergies Chapter […]

The Complete Candida Detox, Diet, and Protocol – 3 of 4

Table of Contents: Chapter 1: In the Beginning: Preparation Chapter 2: Hunger and Weight Loss Chapter 3: The Detox Chapter 4: The Diet, Stage 1 Chapter 5: The Antifungals Chapter 6: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs Chapter 7: Digestion, Indigestion, and Depression Chapter 8: Natural & Commercial Probiotics Chapter 9: Candida’s Connection to Food Allergies Chapter […]

The Complete Candida Detox, Diet, and Protocol – 4 of 4

Table of Contents: Chapter 1: In the Beginning: Preparation Chapter 2: Hunger and Weight Loss Chapter 3: The Detox Chapter 4: The Diet, Stage 1 Chapter 5: The Antifungals Chapter 6: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs Chapter 7: Digestion, Indigestion, and Depression Chapter 8: Natural & Commercial Probiotics Chapter 9: Candida’s Connection to Food Allergies Chapter […]

Tinea Versicolor and Angular Cheilitis

The dermatological name of Tinea versicolor is dermatomycosis furfuracea. This is usually a brownish-red area of the skin. The discoloration may appear as spots or as larger patches in all shapes and sizes. Often the dark reddish or brown discolorations of the skin in various forms can be caused by a number of species of […]

Candida Overgrowth: The Role and Possible Dangers of Antifungals

It’s so easy to overemphasize the use of antifungals in a treatment for a Candida overgrowth in the human body, when in reality; although I imagine that the length of a treatment would be much longer without them, it’s still quite possible to bring a Candida infestation under control completely without antifungals. Most people who […]

Candida Die-Off: Everything You Need to Know About Herxheimer Candida Die Off

The ‘Killer’ Die-Off Toxins of Candida If you have a Candida albicans infestation in your body and you finally decide that you need to do something about all the problems it’s created for you, and you begin to follow a Candida diet and/or take certain antifungal substances, then sooner or later you will experience what […]