Hi Deborah, I am worried that my 10 year old daughter has systemic yeast after she took antibiotics. Is it possible for her to develop it that early?
Absolutely! As a matter of fact, anyone can get a yeast infection, at any age – newborns, toddlers, teens, adults, and even mature adults.
Yeast infections in babies are not uncommon at all. According to the NIH, it’s sadly quite common that newborns have yeast infection. They usually develop in the form of oral thrush and can be transmitted from mother to baby. This often happens during the birthing process, especially if a mother has a vaginal infection at the time of delivery. A mother with a yeast infection can also pass oral thrush on to her baby through her breast milk.
Babies who are prone to diaper rashes can also develop yeast infection diaper rashes, which are incredibly uncomfortable. They start out looking like regular rashes, in color and inflammation, but can progress to include open wounds, oozing, and more pain.
Children who have taken antibiotics for chronic conditions – especially ear infections, which are very common at a young age – are prone to developing chronic yeast infections. These are hard to diagnose as systemic yeast infections in children often tend to mimic behavioral disorders.
Young ladies can develop vaginal yeast infections. These are less common pre-puberty, when the body’s hormones aren’t changing as much, but it is possible. If a pre-pubescent girl is developing frequent vaginal yeast infections, it’s important to have her seen by a doctor to determine the true underlying cause.
Other forms of yeast infection children may develop include ringworm, fungal skin infections, and even jock itch. Children who play sports are especially prone to developing fungal skin infections because of the warm, moist environments created by tight sports clothing and sweat.
Don’t hesitate to contact your pediatrician or doctor if you believe your child, of any age, has some form of yeast infection. The sooner it’s diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. As a parent having the ability to control what your child does, their dietary and life style habits will be a huge help in curing yeast infection. The hardest parts of yeast infection are surprisingly mental. You can find some quick tips to help you overcome them here.
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Image Credit – Steve Slater @ Creative Commons –Â http://www.flickr.com/photos/wildlife_encounters/