Candida Albicans: The Inflammation Factor

inflammationUnfortunately, inflammation is always a factor during a Candida albicans infestation; the reason for this is because your body needs to and is trying very hard to heal itself. Believe it or not, a signal that your body is attempting to heal itself from any illness, disease, or injury is actually inflammation. Inflammation isn’t caused by a bacteria or virus, because an infection or illness is the result of bacteria and viruses whereas inflammation is the result of the infection or illness, and the inflammation is actually caused by your body’s response, again, in its attempt to heal. In fact, medical scientists believe that inflammation is the result of an immune system response to an illness, injury, or disease that has attacked the body, which makes perfect sense.

You’ve heard the phrases “acute inflammation” and “chronic inflammation” but do you know the difference? Acute inflammation is the most common type of inflammation and is normally caused by a comparatively short-lived disease or illness. On the other hand, chronic inflammation is the result of an ongoing illness or disease such as Rheumatoid arthritis.

As you can imagine from of the information above, inflammation during a Candida albicans infestation can turn into the chronic form if you fail to bring the overgrowth under control within a reasonable length of time; because if you have a Candida overgrowth, and you’re trying to cure your inflammation, you won’t be able to cure the inflammation until the population of the Candida infestation is reduced and brought under control. Of course this is because the Candida infestation is causing the inflammation.

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Inflammation: If you have a Candida albicans overgrowth, then there’s a fair to good chance that you also have leaky gut syndrome which can be caused by the Candida boring into the walls of the intestines. Leaky gut will or course cause inflammation of the gut.

So perhaps by now you’re wondering if there is anything you can do to lessen the severity of the inflammation symptoms during the period of time you’re trying to bring your infestation under control.

The Diet: To rebuild the immune system, and therefore end the suffering that comes with inflammation, in the beginning, whatever diet is being eaten at the time apparently needs to be changed. Why? Because if a person is eating a healthy diet and has been doing so for an extended length of time, it’s very doubtful that they would be suffering from a severe form of inflammation.

There are several ways to reduce the severity of the symptoms of inflammation with your diet, because, of course, as it seems with every illness or pain, there are certain foods which can increase the degree or severity of the problem, or in this case, inflammation. Among those foods are:

  • Animal protein, especially red meat and organ meat
  • Overcooked
  • foods
  • Starchy foods Glucose (sugar)
  • Saturated and trans fats

There are of course certain foods that would benefit the treatment of inflammation be lessening the severity of the symptoms. Coconut milk is said to contain inflammatory properties, however, 50% of the fat in coconut milk is lauric acid which is highly anti-inflammatory, plus it’s the same nutritional fat that is found in a mother’s milk. So in this case, the benefits of the lauric acid in coconut milk as well as coconut oil far outweigh any negativity as far as inflammation is concerned.

The type of dietary fats in the food that one eats is a highly influential factor with inflammation. Most omega-6 fats, especially linoleic acid which is found in margarine and corn and safflower oils, are the basic building blocks of arachidonic acid which is involved in creating inflammation as well as two other key inflammation-causing substances in the body. In contrast, the complex compounds of omega-3 fat contain a substance called resolvins; and resolvins act to end the inflammatory response of the immune system.

The following oils are shown with the percentage of Omega-6 fats that their total fat content contains. These oils and fats would be detrimental to a Candida treatment and leaky gut syndrome as far as the severity of the inflammation is concerned.

  • Safflower Oil 75% of total fat
  • Sunflower Oil 66% of total fat
  • Grapeseed Oil 70% of total fat
  • Wheat Germ Oil 55% of total fat
  • Corn Oil 54% of total fat
  • Walnut Oil 53% of total fat
  • Cottonseed Oil 52% of total fat
  • Soybean Oil 51% of total fat
  • Vegetable Oil 58% of total fat

Foods which contain omega-3 fats or the ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 are:

  • Fish oil, specifically salmon
  • Chia seeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Salmon, white fish, herring, anchovy, tuna, and mackerel
  • Walnuts
  • Fresh basil
  • Dried oregano
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Green peppers
  • Brussels sprouts

All of the foods above can help reduce inflammation with the amounts of omega-3 which they contain.

Enzymes: Enzymes can be used to lessen the inflammation factor because they digest the proteins which are in the blood and are capable of causing inflammation. These proteins have what are called fibrin or fibrous fragments that cause inflammation by increasing the number of inflammatory signaling molecules.

Flora (beneficial bacteria): As I explained in the beginning, the underlying problem or cause of inflammation is the immune system, and since about 75% of the immune system is made up of the beneficial bacteria or communities of flora in the intestines, you can say that, no matter what the obvious problem is, the healthy or unhealthy condition of your intestines play the most important role in the cause of inflammation.

Rebuilding or reestablishing the flora should be part of a workable Candida diet and protocol, because without doing this, the Candida population would never be brought under control. Without enough flora to change the environment of the intestines and to crowd the Candida out of the intestines, there would be no cure; and until the overgrowth is brought under control, the leaky gut syndrome and the inflammation will continue to be a problem.

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