Candida: Bloating, Vegetables, and Fruit

bloat and gasBloating and General Indigestion

A lot of people who are suffering from a Candida albicans infestation have huge and multiple digestion issues throughout their infestation and treatment.

Most often the indigestion will emerge as either bloating, gas, pain in the stomach, constant burping, diarrhea, and constipation seems to be one of the most common symptoms of a Candida overgrowth.

It seems that most people suffer from the gas and bloating more often after they’ve eaten fibrous vegetables, and the problem is, most people who are following the Candida diet eat vegetables at least three times a day. Actually eating vegetables throughout the day is necessary in order to bring the infestation under control. The reason is because fibrous vegetables supply lots of prebiotics which are foods for the beneficial bacteria allowing them to survive and hopefully multiply their numbers in the intestines. This is course is the answer to the puzzle of how to bring the infestation under control and to a symptom-free state. The simple fact is, if you don’t feed the bacteria, they’ll die out and you’ll make no progress on the treatment at all.

So why does the gas and bloating and other digestion problems happen most often after eating vegetables? The question is really quite easy to explain; Vegetables, especially green vegetables ferment very easily. Candida excretes toxins which aid in the fermentation of food that has taken longer to digest, which is quite common for those with candida overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome. This process is not natural, and the fermenting vegetables cause gas and bloating.

Even though you have gas and bloating, you must still continue to eat green vegetables for the nutrients and fibers that it brings. You need them to help maintain your infestation. To help with the gas and bloating,You should take half a dropper of Swedish Digestive Bitters that are alcohol free before all your meals. You drop it on the back of your tongue. You can also take Betaine Hydrochloride pills after your meals. You can take less bitters than recommended, but follow the directions for Betaine Hydrochloride.

Digestive Bitters are an excellent digestive supplement for the problem of flatulent dyspepsia which is basically gas, bloating, burping, that constant ‘full’ feeling, and a slow peristalsis (the muscle contractions which move the food through the intestines into the colon) in other words, they can help to relieve constipation. Taking the digestive bitters and drinking lots of water on a regular basis is also the most effective way of cleansing and flushing the liver, plus they also support a healthy metabolism. In fact, if you take digestive bitters it’s imperative that you also drink a lot of water throughout the day because of the flushing action the bitters promote.

You’ll only need one half of a dropper of the Swedish Digestive Bitters and not the amount recommended on the label, and you should drop the liquid on the back of your tongue. Remember, do not take digestive bitters close to the same time that you take your probiotic supplement. The herbs in the bitters can interfere with the beneficial bacteria’s absorption as well as their survival.

Betaine Hydrochloride (Hydrochloric Acid): These tablets, taken after your meals will usually help the problem of gas and general indigestion significantly. Betaine Hydrochloride will increase the amount of stomach acids, a lack of which is normally the basis of indigestion and poor absorption of nutrients.

Another excellent reason to add Betaine Hydrochloride to your Candida treatment is the fact that it appears to inhibit yeast growth. Betaine Hydrochloride has also been recommended for use to combat arthritis, asthma, and allergies.

As far as the dosage of Betaine Hydrochloride is concerned, you should follow the directions on the label of the container.

Fruit vs Vegetables I’ve studied countless online Candida diets as well as those in books, and I’m always amazed at how many of these diets name fruit as a food item for a Candida diet. So in case you’re wondering why fruit is not listed on the Candida Diet shown on this website, I’ll explain in detail the reason for this.

Let’s face it, if you’re on any type of diet, fruit is one of the most convenient items you’re going to find; so of course if you’ve looked at a lot of different Candida diets, you’ve no doubt witnessed the addition of various fruits on some of these diets, in fact, probably the majority of the Candida diets that are available contain several forms of fruit.

I often wonder if many people are even aware of what fruit contains; what’s the main and usually abundant component in fruit that makes it taste so good? It’s called “fructose.” That’s the part of fruit that makes you want to eat it and then the taste makes you want more of the same. In the simplest terms, fructose is a monosaccharide which is described as a simple sugar.

Many, many years ago it was believed that fructose could be used as a healthy substitute for sucrose (table sugar). However, the American Diabetes Association as well as nutrition professionals eventually changed their minds about fructose. The carbohydrates in some of the foods we eat, including fruit, are constructed of long chains of glucose (sugar). When glucose enters the bloodstream, the body releases insulin to help regulate it. Part of all forms of sugar is processed by the liver. During a Candida overgrowth we already know that the liver is constantly being overworked because of the various toxins that are being released by the living and dying Candida 24 hours a day, so when any additional work for the liver added to the mix, it usually ends up being too much of a workload for the liver to handle without damage occurring. When too much work is given to the liver, other than the damage that is possible, certain situations occur with specific foods. An example is with the fructose in fruit; instead of the liver processing the fructose correctly, it begins to create fats from the fructose when are then sent into the bloodstream in a changed form, this new form is called triglycerides. You may need ‘some’ triglycerides, but too much of these can cause high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and low HDL (good cholesterol).

Fructose Malabsorption is actually a medical term and something that many people suffer from. When fructose is not properly absorbed in the small intestine, it draws water into the intestines from the intestinal vessels where it then makes its way to the colon. Once in the colon the bacteria is brought with water and begins to break down to short chain fatty acids and gases (methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen) which causes bloating diarrhea.

But the real and most important reason for leaving fruit out of your Candida diet is the constitution of fructose. The simple truth is, it’s a sugar therefore it will feed the Candida albicans in your intestines; and as stated many times, if you feed the Candida a supply of the food on which they can survive and multiply their population, you will never reach a symptom-free state with your infestation.

An easy substitute for fruit is green vegetables as well as the one fruit item on our diet, namely avocados. Avocados contain loads of different vitamins and minerals, plus they allow for an easier absorption of nutrients. In addition, in order to feed the beneficial flora in the intestines which needs to be reestablished when you have a Candida overgrowth; your goal should be to obtain at least 8 grams of prebiotics every day, and avocados provide an excellent source of prebiotics.

A noteworthy fact about avocados especially on a Candida diet is that were once used as a butter substitute. This would also be handy on a Candida diet since dairy products should be completely avoided because of lactose.

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