Who doesn’t love ice cream? The one problem with ice cream for those with Candida overgrowth is that Candida LOVES ice cream. Ice cream can contain any number of flavoring ingredients, but the base is always made of milk/cream and sugar. It contains ingredients that can both help and harm the body, and should only […]
Why Candida Sufferers Must Avoid Fast Food
Have you ever really looked at what’s in the fast foods or junk food you like to eat? Fast foods contain high amounts of sodium, sugar and trans-fats. These ingredients can be harmful to even to healthiest person, but those with Candida overgrowth should absolutely avoid them. Candida weakens your immune system and leaves your […]
How Does Meditation Affect Your Health and Candida
Did you know that stress has a major effect on your health? Most people don’t think about stress as a possible cause for changes in their body, mood or behavior. The changes in our body that occur with stress are natural and help us in dire situations, but chronic stress can cause a multitude of […]
Top Candida Fighting Foods
The intestines are one of the main areas of the body that Candida normally lives, so naturally it is important we address the diet while fighting Candida. As the Candida Diet removes sugars, carbohydrates and other fun foods we all crave, it is important to remember that there is still a great variety of foods […]
Period and Candida Overgrowth: What You Need to Know
Many women find they are prone to Candidiasis (yeast infections) just before or during their period. A major component of vaginal health is the pH of the environment. In a healthy woman, vaginal pH is typically 3.5 to 4.5 which is slightly acidic. This acidic environment is caused by lactic acid mainly in the vaginal […]
Is Undecenoic Acid Good for Candida?
Undecenoic acid has wealth of benefits as an anti-fungal, including fighting Candida. But, your first thought may be, what is undecenoic acid? Undecenoic acid is also known by the names undecylenic acid and 10-undecenoic acid. It is an unsaturated fatty acid that is manufactured from castor oil cracking (adding high pressure and temperature). It has […]
Is Caprylic Acid Good for Candida?
Sometimes the best solution to a problem is not one thing alone, but a combination of components that work well together. Found in food sources such as coconut oil, milk and palm oil caprylic acid is an anti-fungal fatty acid that is often used in combination with other anti-fungals to treat Candida. Caprylic acid is […]
Is psyllium husk good or bad for candida yeast overgrowth?
Psyllium husk is the seed husk portion of the Psyllium plant (Plantago ovata). Medically, it is mainly used a bulking agent due to its high fiber content of 67-71% and as a mucilage agent with a content of 10-30%.1 While psyllium husk has not been shown to completely resolve candida overgrowth, it may be helpful […]
Gut Dysbiosis and Candida Connection
As a practicing naturopath of almost 12Â years, I have become increasingly disillusioned with the way orthodox medicine manages a broad range of conditions utilizing a growing number of aggressive drugs. Although initially my interest was in how traditional treatments would provide patients with alternative choices, the situation has developed to one where natural treatments are […]
Is Green Tea Good for Candida Yeast?
Green tea is rich in nutrients including antioxidants, also known as polyphenols, that may help fight yeast infections. A 2004 study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy found that the catechins in green tea inhibited yeast growth by to 90%. More recently in 2009, the Canadian Journal of Microbiology published research by Nikki A. […]
What Everyone Should Know About Taking Care of Nail Fungal Infections
Fungal conditions can exist in many forms. One that we constantly overlook involves our nails – yes the keratin structures that protect your finger and toes are just as susceptible to fungal infections as any other area in your body. Frequent gym goers or those working in physically demanding occupations are familiar with fungal infections […]
Most Common Symptoms of Candida Yeast Infection
In the past several years, I’ve probably answered hundreds of question on various Candida-related subjects. Most of those questions arrived by private message or email, and I still have most of these messages and refer to them to now and then. When people who are suffering from a Candida overgrowth asked me questions or for […]
The Metabolism of the Fungus Candida Albicans and the resulting Metabolites Produced during the Process
Metabolism is the biochemical assimilation as well as the dissimilation of vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients by a cell. Metabolites are the substances that are produced by and during the process of metabolism or by a metabolic process. Metabolites can be described as the compounds which are synthesized by plants or animals for uses such […]
Candida Treatment: Blog Part 6 Updated 1 year after going off of the Candida Diet and Treatment.
If you didn’t read the previous parts to my treatment, you can see them here: A Candida Infestation: In The Beginning Part 1 A Candida Infestation: What Exactly Am I Dealing With? Part 2 Candida Infestation: Treatment Blog, Part 3 A Candida Infestation: The Blog, Part 4 Candida Blog Part 5: Symptom-free for Six months […]
Hair Loss: A Symptom of Candida
During a Candida infestation, hair loss is often a worrisome and emotional problem for both men and women. Over the years, I’ve received many messages and letters from Candida sufferers who were desperate for answers to their questions about losing their hair during their Candida infestation. Many of them have used statements such as, “This […]
Candida and Swedish Digestive-Bitters
A decrease of the body’s production of enzymes seems to be very common with a Candida overgrowth, which make sense when you take note of how the overgrowth interferes with digestion in general, and digestive enzymes play such a large role in the proper digestion of foods. Using the bitters from the beginning of your […]
Candida Blog Part 5: Symptom-free for Six months
You can find the previous parts here: A Candida Infestation: In The Beginning Part 1 A Candida Infestation: What Exactly Am I Dealing With? Part 2 Candida Infestation: Treatment Blog, Part 3 A Candida Infestation: The Blog, Part 4 and the last part, part 6: Candida Treatment: Blog Part 6 Updated 1 year December, 2011 […]
Taking Probiotics with Undecenoic Acid
Many people have asked me if they can take CFort10 (Undecenoic acid) along with their probiotic. According to the Microbiological Laboratories’ research department, “Fatty acids exert a fungistatic and fungicidal action on dermatophytes (fungi).” This is basically the same thing that the acid-producing bacteria in the probiotics do. Undecenoic acid, being of course a medium-chain […]
Candida: Benefits of Herbal Teas
Anyone who has a Candida albicans overgrowth should try to be extremely careful as far as both the food and drinks which they ingest; first because so many foods as well as beverages contain hidden carbohydrates and most importantly, they often contain hidden sugars. In fact, commercially packaged foods and drinks in general contain many […]
Candida Infestation and Biotin
In a research study, a group of Candida sufferers were tested for the biotin levels in their blood streams, and the results showed that an unusually high percentage of the Candida sufferers exhibited a minor to large deficiency of biotin. In one research study in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa, participants […]
Candida: Bloating, Vegetables, and Fruit
Bloating and General Indigestion A lot of people who are suffering from a Candida albicans infestation have huge and multiple digestion issues throughout their infestation and treatment. Most often the indigestion will emerge as either bloating, gas, pain in the stomach, constant burping, diarrhea, and constipation seems to be one of the most common symptoms […]