Everything You Need To Know About Choosing The Right Probiotic To Get Rid of Nasty Yeast Infections

Probiotics are medicines or food supplements consisting of beneficial microorganisms and bacteria identical to human flora. The word pro means ‘’of’’ and biotic means ‘’life’’. So, the name suggests that these formulations are involved in the growth of healthy flora in the body. This microflora, mainly residing in the intestine, helps in modulating immunity and prevention of various diseases.

Do probiotics clear up yeast infection?

Probiotics effectively combat yeast infection. Advancements in science have made it possible to conduct research on probiotics and study their efficacy. iResearch shows that using probiotics is one of the most effective ways to cleanse away yeast infections from the body.

They can be administered along with antibiotics for infections. iiMoreover, research shows that probiotics, given with antibiotics, can augment their efficacy.

What is a yeast infection?

There are many articles on this website discussing a yeast infection, as well as natural treatment methods for it. But as a quick summary, a yeast infection is basically a fungal infection caused by a fungus that goes by name of Candida albicans. It occurs mostly in women and affects the wet surfaces of the body. However, males and children are also susceptible to this infection. The most common sites inflicted by this notorious fungus, are mouth, vagina, gastrointestinal tract and skin.

iiiResearch shows that 75% of women are affected by candidiasis once in their life. Other people vulnerable to yeast infections are immune-compromised patients, newborn babies, and individuals taking a wide range of antibiotics for treatment purposes.

Yeast infections are commonly caused by a fungus, Candida albicans. Other kinds of fungi like Candida tropicalis and Candida glabatra are also reported to be the culprits for causing this infection. C. albicans resides in damp parts of our body without causing disease in usual state of health.

If someone has a lot of normal flora or good bacteria in the body, they have a much higher resistance to yeast infection. The “good bacteria” have several beneficial effects on body, one of these effects is the inhibition of growth of disease causing organisms- such as yeast. Certain agents kill these bacteria and disturb the natural balance of our body. Such factors include extravagant use of antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs and various agents used as immunosuppressant. Due to the disruption of biological flora, C. albicans grabs the opportunity to overgrow and infect the damp organs.

Pregnancy, diet alterations, prolonged stress, obesity, and frequent sexual activity have also been reported as frequent causes of vaginal yeast infections.

How do probiotics fight fungal infection?

Yeast infection (also known as candidiasis) is mainly caused due to the overgrowth of Candida albican. This overgrowth is normally limited by the presence of lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria (a probiotic bacteria), but their absence makes a space for infection. An appropriate dosage of probiotic is capable of replacing the inadequacy of these good bacteria and eradicate yeast infection. These probiotics also produce antimicrobial agents, which keep pathogens under control.

Another mechanism of action includes alteration of surface tension. Change in surface tension by bio surfactants, produced by probiotics, hamper the adherence of yeast to mucosal wall. iv>Research also shows that in case of yeast infection in the vagina, some lactobacilli strains prevent adherence of pathogens to the mucosal wall by binding pathogens with themselves.

Different types of probiotics available and which one is the best?

Probiotics are identified at different levels, i.e. genus, species and strains. Some of the major probiotics strains effective for humans include:

  • Bacillus Subtilis: Bacillus subtilis is a tough strain with ability of passing through the gastrointestinal tract without damage. It can remain dormant in the form of spores, until touches water. v Many studies have shown that bacillus subtilis is effective against yeast infections.
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus: Lactobacillus acidophilus is considered one the most important probiotics. It is frequently used in probiotics formulations and capsules. Lactobacillus has many other species, but acidophilus is the most widely used. vi These bacteria convert sugar into lactic acid, making the body pH acidic, which is not favorable for yeast growth.
  • Bifidobacterium: Same like lactobacillus, this bacterium also produces lactic acid. These strains maintain the pH of the body at a level which is unfavorable for pathogenic growth.

Apart from these, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus fermentum, lactobacillus gasseri, and lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 are also important probiotics for the prevention of yeast infection.

There is no “best probiotic”. Every individual is unique, and what works for one person might not work for everyone. Probacto probiotics are specificially designed to combat yeast infections and work very well for people.

What is the correct dosage of probiotics?

There is no correct rule for the safe dosage of probiotics. One big fallacy that people look for is just higher CFU’s or Colony Forming Units. You will often see probiotics with 50, 100, or 200 billion bacteria per capsule, but it might be less potent than a probiotic with only 2 billion.

There really is a difference in quality with many probiotics. You have to look at not only the quantity, but the different strains of probiotics as well.

Do probiotics prevent yeast infection?

Considering the fact that yeast infection is caused by absence of lactobacillus, probiotics are highly effective in preventing yeast infection. In some patients, particularly women, vaginal infection is recurrent. Recurrent infection constitutes at least three to four occurrences per year. For such patients, probiotics are magic pearls which keep infection at bay. vii, viii Research shows that the use of probiotics is extremely effective in the treatment of conditions like yeast infections, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and so on. Use of probiotics is particularly useful in those who face contraindications for use of antibiotics can adopt this therapeutic approach for prevention of yeast infection.

Available forms of Probiotics:

Probiotics are available in market in following forms:

  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • Powders
  • Vaginal suppositories
  • Cream

Oral forms of probiotics are available in the form of tablets, powder and capsule. They take time to show effect because their release and absorption is delayed. Recently, people have started to use vaginal suppositories as well.

Different antifungals prescribed for yeast infection:

Various lines of treatment can be used for fungal infections. Antifungal like fluconazole, yeast like azo, and probiotics like optibac are known to be popular therapy options. Fluconazol (diflucan) is used as a first line of treatment for candidiasis. It is administered orally. For topical usage, clotrimazole and econazole like drugs are used. These antifungals have their respective side effects associated with them. Before using them, their drug interactions and contraindications should also be kept in mind.

Which brand is best for probiotics?

Markets are teeming with different probiotics brands. The most popular ones include florastor and optibac, but probacto is the best. It is an enteric coating, with multiple stains, made for slow release.

Probiotics for male yeast infections:

The male urogenital tract is also vulnerable to Candida infection. Limiting the discussion of probiotics to women only will be wrong because probiotics are equally effective for penile yeast infections. No male vs. female probiotics situation exists.

Probiotics for children:

Probiotics are safe for children and in fact they are used to treat various pediatric problems. The dosage is of course not similar for adults and children, but effectiveness and safety are guaranteed.

Can pregnant females use probiotics?

Pregnant women are more susceptible to vaginal infection by yeast. However, probiotics can always serve as a treatment option because they have a great safety profile for pregnant females. However, it is never harmful to seek advice of your gynecologist before using them.

Side effects of probiotics:

Probiotics are living organisms with little to no side effects. Minor risks involve gas problem in the gastrointestinal tract and bloating. Severe cases like endocarditis, are extremely rare, but should be taken care of. However, we can safely claim that probiotics carry minimal side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I take probiotics for a yeast infection while I’m pregnant?

Probiotics are known to cause minimal side effects, but speaking to a physician is the best answer. You should seek advice of a doctor before taking any new drug during pregnancy to avoid possible risks.

Is it safe to give probiotic to a baby / babies / toddlers?

You should consult a doctor before giving probiotics to a baby or toddler. It will reduce any risk associated with self-medication. He can guide you in the best way regarding dosage and type of probiotic used. Generally speaking, probiotics are safe for children and toddlers.

Is it safe to take probiotics while I’m breastfeeding or nursing?

A professional can give you the best advice in this regard, so take a tour to your physician. Discuss your problem in detail and he will recommend you medicine accordingly. Generally, probiotics cause no side effects in breastfeeding females or her child.

Will probiotics help with male yeast infection?

Yes, probiotics are equally effective for male yeast infections. ix Many studies have proven their effectiveness in urogenital infections in males.

Can starting probiotics cause a yeast infection?

No, probiotics are microorganisms that help in fighting yeast infection. So, they do not cause infection. In fact, they have no side effects.

Can stopping the use of probiotics causes a yeast infection?

Stopping probiotics therapy does not cause yeast infection. However, if they are not taken in the correct dosage, infection may appear again.

Can probiotics stop a yeast infection?

Yes, probiotics can stop yeast infection by killing C. albicans or inhibiting their attachment with body surfaces.

Probiotics are not working for my yeast infection, what should I do?

Go to see a doctor and he will advise you on different treatment options available. You can use antifungal drugs like fluconazole and diflucan, in addition to the probiotics

Can probiotics make my yeast infection worse? Can it cause a yeast infection?

No, probiotics are considered therapeutic agents for yeast infections. They do not cause or worsen it.

Can taking too much probiotics give me a yeast infection?

No, probiotics over dosage does not give yeast infection. They have a high safety profile.

Should I take probiotics if I have a yeast infection?

Yes, probiotics are highly recommended because they have high efficacy and minimal side effects.

How long should I take probiotics for a yeast infection?

It depends on the type of strain you are using for treatment. However, usually it is recommended to take probiotics for several weeks.

What is the difference, the benefits and downsides of probiotics vs. yogurt or kefir?

Probiotics contain higher amount of bacterial strains as compared to yogurt or kefir. However, one disadvantage is that probiotics might have small potential of risk attached to it. Contrastingly, yogurt is a completely natural dairy product and has no side effect.

Will probiotics help for breast yeast infection?

Yes, probiotics can help with any kind of yeast infection.

What probiotics should I take for yeast infections?

Many different brands are available in the market, but probacto is the best. It contains lactobacillus and bifidobacterium both and proves to be highly effective.

Do probiotics help intestinal yeast infection?

Yes, probiotics replenish the microflora of the intestine and help in the treatment of intestinal infections.

Do probiotics help internal yeast infection?

Yes, yeast affects intestines of our body and probiotics fight them off there as well.

Do probiotics help for yeast infection on the skin?

Yes, probiotics are available in cream forms, which can be applied to the skin to treat skin infections.

Will probiotics help my dog with yeast infection? What probiotics to give him?

Yes, probiotics help your dog as well. You can get one for your dog, but safest option is to take him to vet so that he can get the best possible treatment.

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