Homemade Kale Chips

To be fair, home made alternatives to store bought treats will always be healthier and friendlier. Potato chips ( or British crisps) are everyone’s favorite, but as we all know, rich in carbs and fat, they are not so friendly to our bodies. Their healthy, nonetheless tasty alternative is Kale chips. Since even the healthiest, organic store bought Kale chips contain more than 9 grams of fat per serving, here’s how to make the most of the nutrients and vitamins Kale has to offer, without having to worry about the greasy fats and oils.

You will need:

  • a bunch of kale
  • 1 tbs of olive oil
  • 1 tbs of Sesame oil
  • sesame seeds
  • roasted garlic
  • black pepper

Start by preheating the oven to 300.

Make sure you washed the kale and dried it completely. This is an important step because otherwise they will not be crispy. Remove the stems and chop moderately. You will not need small bite-sized pieces since they will shrink in the baking process anyway.

Thinly slice the garlic cloves and put them in a Ziplock bag or an oven friendly bag along with the sesame and olive oil, sesame seeds and the black pepper. Shake them well like a polaroid picture and let the flavours mingle.

Put the kale in the bag without taking the air out and shake-shake-shake until everything is combined. Open the bag, take the air out, seal again and shake some more. This way, even the thickest kale pieces will be seasoned.

Open the bag, take its content out and lay it down on a baking sheet. Lightly coat it with cooking spray and throw them in the oven. These bad boys deserve the heat. Let cook for 40’ or until crisp.

Eat and repeat.


You can pretty much make chips out of any vegetable. Carrots, beets, red onions, zucchinis or spinach are equally as good since they are non starch vegetables and friendly to your flora. Topping flavours can range from lemon juice with ginger and pepper, salt and vinegar or simply soy sauce. Go crazy on those seasonings, within reason of course, and you will see how potato chips will be but a distant memory.


Kale is not for everyone. If you’ve never tried it before, you must know that they are rather strong tasting. Cooking it is oftentimes better than eating it raw.

Also, people who are undergoing blood thinning treatments such as Coumadin, should stay clear of Kale since the K vitamin interferes with the medicine. Best consult your physician.

Also, there is a rare category of people who are allergic to cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts. You shall not despair. There are plenty of alternatives at your disposal.


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