What is the link between Candida and your thyroid? In this article, you will find out. Candida, as described by dictionary.com, is any of several yeast like fungi that may cause athlete’s foot, thrush, vaginitis, and other conditions. You must not that candida is naturally present in the human body, but their presence is well regulated. An example of the negative effects of its overgrowth may be seen in problems with the thyroid.
Dr. Osansky, who is committed to helping individuals with thyroid condition, mentioned that some reports state that Candida yeast infection can possibly cause the adrenals to become weak. Weakened adrenals can then result to the development of thyroid condition. He further notes that considering the likelihood of yeast infection brought about by compromised immune system, a person suffering from thyroid condition may be placed at a risk of contacting infections associated to the overgrowth of the yeast-like substance.
The Importance of the Thyroid
The thyroid gland is responsible for the regulation of the human body’s metabolism. The heart rate, weight, body temperature, blood pressure, and energy level of a person are all influenced by his or her thyroid gland. In addition to that, it also affects the cells, tissues, and body organs.
Quick Facts about Thyroid Condition
In the data provided by the American Thyroid Association, it was mentioned that over 12% of the American population will be suffering from a thyroid condition during their lifetime. The association also noted that more than half of the population, about 60% to be exact, is not aware that they actually carry the disease.
Types of Thyroid Disorders
There are different types of conditions associated to an unhealthy thyroid gland. The ABC Health & Wellbeing website provides basic information regarding such conditions. Hypothyroidism for one is a condition wherein the thyroid is not able to produce adequate amounts of hormones.
In sharp contrast to hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism is a disorder that is described as the overproduction of hormones by the thyroid.
Cancer can also affect the thyroid gland. The National Cancer Institute recognizes four types of cancers of the thyroid. Specifically, they are anaplastic, medullary, follicular, and papillary cancer. The most common type among those four is papillary thyroid cancer.
Symptoms associated to problems with the thyroid
Thyroid Australia Ltd, which was setup to provide support to people suffering from thyroid problems, enumerates some of the symptoms which signal that there is something wrong with gland’s function. The symptoms include irritability, low energy, rapid heart rate, depression, weight loss, slow heart rate, sleeplessness, dry skin, weigh gain, heat intolerance, cold intolerance, diarrhea, muscle fatigue, constipation and hair loss.
But although there are symptoms which may cause you and I to think that there is a problem with our thyroid gland, you and I should likewise remember that not all cases of disorders related to such gland have physical manifestations.
That being said, it is advisable to submit oneself to a thorough checkup even when there is no suspicion that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly. Let the doctor evaluate the present condition of your hormone-producing gland to check if there are any indications or abnormalities that require immediate attention and care.
What to expect after surgery
But in case your thyroid gland is not in good condition and the doctor deems it necessary for you to undergo surgery, here are some things you may expect following such major ordeal. From the information provided in the website of the Medical College of Wisconsin, patients who have undergone surgery may resume with their usual activities after 1-2 weeks.
It is also common to have sore throat or experience fatigue following the surgery. Such discomforts will eventually go away after a week or two.
You can also enjoy munching on your favorite food after the surgery. However, it is advisable to limit intake of spicy and greasy foods among others for the first few days following the procedure.
Patients are also encouraged to exercise after they have submitted themselves to surgery. Doing so will help speed up their recovery.
Furthermore, you may still feel pain after the surgery. Nonetheless, you will be prescribed with certain medications to give your relief from the discomforts.
Men versus Women
Who should be more alarmed when it comes to concerns related to the thyroid gland? It appears that women should pay more attention to the health of their hormone-producing gland. According to the data provided by Thyroid Australia Ltd, there are more cases of thyroid problems involving women than men. Hypothyroidism for instance is more common in women than their counterparts. Furthermore, hyperthyroidism affects about 2% of the female population as opposed to just 0.2% of the male population. It’s not unusual for for women to be affected differently than men from a condition. Even Candida will affect them differently.