So you have heard about the many benefits of probiotics but don’t know which one is good for you? This article will help you choose the probiotic that will work for you. As we already know that probiotics are the “good bacteria” which can create havoc to the pathogens by producing antibiotics and antibodies. It […]
Probiotics Can Alleviate GI Problems Of Down’s Syndrome Patients
Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, in case of chromosomal aberrations, there is an alteration in the number of these chromosomes. In Down’s syndrome (DS), there is a 21 trisomy, which means the total number of chromosomes is 47. DS is detected by a method called chromosomal karyotype. There is an increase in […]
Why Irritable Bowel Syndrome Does Not Spell Your Doom Thanks To Probiotics
The irritating nature of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are distressing to say the least. IBS is associated with gassiness, bloating, crampy pain and altered bowel habit. A normal stool is one that is not hard, has no blood and passes out without any cramps. Terms such as functional bowel […]
Can Probiotics Control Cholesterol Levels?
The four-chambered heart of the human body is an evolution marvel. Life and death is defined by its action. It is the central part of the circulatory system (which also includes blood-vessels) that supplies blood (a connective tissue) throughout the body. Our body is a heterogeneous collection of many compounds; one of them is cholesterol. […]
Probiotics & Urogenital Yeast Infections – Can It Help?
Unveiling The Role Fungi In Urogenital Infections: Our body is a home to many micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi). When the number of fungi increases the desired level, it paves way to infections at the site as the environment of the body is altered. Urogenital system (UGS) includes organs of the urinary and reproductive system such […]
Can Probiotics Help Your Battle With Diabetes?
No other disease has inflicted trouble to the human race in modern times as much as diabetes. It has surpassed the barriers of age, race and gender. Being overweight is the biggest risk of developing this disease. Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome in which the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin to be able […]
Break To The Degenerative Process of Alzheimer’s Disease – Probiotics, The New Promise!
The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are not unique which means that they may be similar to other diseases such as dementia or other brain diseases. Hence, its diagnosis and management has remained a challenge. AD manifests as memory-loss, agitation, wandering and sleeplessness. This disease was first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1907. Though it […]
Probiotics Can Help Children With Battling Autism
Autism is a serious developmental disorder in children which has seen a drastic increase in its prevalence in the past few decades. Since this order has significant morbidity in children, a lot of research has gone into recognizing the cause and management modalities for the disorder. Understanding the underlying cause of the disease can help […]
Probiotics Can Control Cholesterol Levels
The four-chambered heart of the human body is an evolution marvel. Life and death is defined by its action. It is the central part of the circulatory system (which also includes blood-vessels) that supply blood (a connective tissue) throughout the body. Our body is a heterogeneous collection of many compounds; one of them is cholesterol. […]
Natural Sources Of Probiotics
Health-Have We Got It Wrong? A new-born child is the epitome of health. At the early stage of life, we have the most balanced body. In fact the first six months of our lives, we relied on our mother’s milk, which is considered as a complete and balanced diet. So what really changes as we […]