I’m going to do you one really big favor – right now. When you start your Candida diet, and one day you decide to try a rutabaga as a natural-foods antifungals, please, for your own sake, eat no more than three small bites the first time you have it.
Death, I knew it had to be close. I could feel it, I knew it, and no one could tell me it wasn’t. I thought I had been sick before, I really did. I’ve had the flu a few times in my life, in fact, I once lost seven pounds in ten days with the flu. Years ago I had one of those oh-great-God-in-heaven-this-will-surely-kill-me stomach viruses, but I’ve never, “never” been as sick as I was during the 12 hours which followed a meal that contained my very-first-ever rutabaga during my Candida infestation. At one point I literally could not walk because I was so weak, but even if the weakness wasn’t a problem, I was so dizzy that I couldn’t stand up. You think I’m exaggerating, but believe me, what I’m really doing is warning you. If you eat the rutabaga well after you’ve been on a Candida strict diet for a while, rutabagas may not be so potent, but if your time on the diet has been relatively short, and you haven’t been taking an antifungal for at least several weeks, please be extremely careful with rutabagas. They’re killers.
There are lots of natural food-source antifungals available. A few of the better ones, along with some of my own experiences with them, are below.
Jalapeno peppers: After being cured of my Candida infestation for over two years, I’m still eating jalapenos several times a week; first, because I enjoy eating these blazing hot delights, and second because they work well with a maintenance program after you’re read the zero symptom phase following the infestation. The study which MycoLogics Lab’s conducted on capsicum, which is the antifungal property in hot peppers, showed that the in-vitro antifungal activity of capsicum can be activated against various strains of fungi, these include Candida albicans. By the way, jalapenos are also excellent for curing sinus headaches as well as migraines.
Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts are still one of my favorite natural antifungals. This is one food source of an antifungal that I ate throughout my treatment and still often eat today; not necessarily as part of the maintenance program, but because I really enjoy these little I’m-just-pretending-to-be-a-baby-cabbage vegetables.
All plants naturally produce substances called phytoalexins which are different forms of toxins. These toxins fight pathogens which attack the plants, and one specific form is brussalexin which is found in abundant amounts in Brussels sprouts.
Brussalexin is a natural antifungal which is capable of boring into the wall of Candida albicans; this causes a delay of the maturity of the cell wall of the fungus, delays maturity, disrupts metabolism, as well as preventing the reproduction of Candida albicans. In other words, brussalexin inactivates the cells of Candida. The good thing about these plant toxins is, even though they’re considered to be one of the strongest toxic antifungals, they are non-harmful to human beings. Be careful when you eat Brussels sprouts for the first time; eat only a few at a time in the beginning; they can cause die-off.
Garlic: Using raw garlic cloves as one of your antifungals is probably one of the cheapest ways to kill the Candida. In the first month of your Candida treatment, garlic is especially useful in reducing the population of the Candida population fairly quickly, but in the beginning of the treatment garlic can cause quite a strong bout Herxhiemer’s Revenge in your body, so just be sure you’re using Molybdenum Amino Acid Chelate to protect your liver and lessen the die-off effect, and always drink plenty of water to wash the die-off toxins from your body. To show you just how powerful garlic can be, The Garlic Information Center of Great Britain reported that even the anthrax bacterium called Bacillus anthracis is susceptible to raw garlic.
According to research conducted by Dr. R. Cathcart, the most potent way of taking garlic is to find a clove of garlic small enough to swallow whole. According to the good doctor, the garlic juice will be excreted as it travels down the length of the intestinal tract leaving dying Candida along the way. This may very well be one way to treat Candida in the esophagus.
If you just can’t handle raw garlic, you can also cook with it, but the potency is stronger when raw. In addition, there are garlic gel pills available over-the-counter, but be certain to purchase ones which contain “allicin” which is the potent antifungal property of garlic.
At some point in your diet, normally around four to six weeks, you’ll need to begin focusing solely on rebuilding the beneficial flora in your intestines; at this point you will need to stop using any antifungal which contains strong antibacterial properties as they are capable of destroying the beneficial bacteria as well as the Candida albicans. In addition to being an antifungal, garlic is also one of the antibacterial foods.  Â
Olive Oil: Olive oil isn’t exactly an antifungal, but I used it in my diet because of a study which showed it was capable of keeping the Candida yeast from developing their rhizoids which are root-like structures that are capable of penetrating the walls of the intestines and therefore causing leaky gut syndrome. You need some type healthy oil every day whether you’re on a Candida treatment, so olive oil serves two purposes. It’s a very useful oil when you’re dealing with a Candida infestation.
Virgin Coconut Oil: I’ve saved the best and most beneficial whole-food source of an antifungal for last. This is really the one supplement (other than probiotics and kefir) which I believe to be an absolute must during your Candida albicans treatment. However, you need to be certain that you obtain the highest quality product in the case of coconut oil. You will need to find the wet-milled or fermented form of virgin coconut oil, and it should definitely be “virgin” coconut oil in order for it to work to its ultimate capacity.
Coconut oil has more than one purpose in the treatment, and should be taken throughout the entire treatment for an easier, smoother, and quicker end to your symptoms and other problems. In my experience, so of the better quality brands are; Garden of Life’s Living Foods Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil, Spectrum Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil, and my favorite Probacto’s Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, but of course there are other quality brands out there as well.
Photo Credit elvissa @ Creative Commons –Â http://www.flickr.com/photos/elvissa/
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