Is Caprylic Acid Good for Candida?

candida-caprylic-acidSometimes the best solution to a problem is not one thing alone, but a combination of components that work well together.

Found in food sources such as coconut oil, milk and palm oil caprylic acid is an anti-fungal fatty acid that is often used in combination with other anti-fungals to treat Candida.

Caprylic acid is often used in combination with lauric acid and capric acid as they occur naturally together in coconut oil.3 Oregano oil, garlic and grapefruit seed extract are also frequently combined with it during treatment of Candida.

These work together not only to eliminate the Candida overgrowth in the body, but to mediate die-off symptoms, eliminate toxins from the body and prevent future overgrowth problems.

Caprylic acid works similar to undecenoic acid by interfering with the cell walls of Candida to inhibit the growth of all forms of yeast. By preventing the hyphae mutation in yeast cells, caprylic acid will prevent further growth from occurring and its fat soluble characteristic helps to release the yeast cells from the intestinal walls without being absorbed into the mucosal lining. You should begin caprylic acid after you complete the Candida cleanse during the first stage of your Candida diet.

Other Uses and Health Benefits

Aside from Candida, caprylic acid has been shown to effectively assist in a variety of other conditions.

Dermal Infections – External fungal infections such as ringworm, jock itch, and vaginitis can also be treated by taking caprylic acid orally which will fight off these infections by dissolving the yeast cell walls. It can also be used as an acne treatment.

Thrush – Thrush in breastfeeding infants can be addressed in many ways, one of which is treating the nursing mother, similar to undecenoic acid. Caprylic acid can be found naturally in breastmilk which is then transferred to the baby in small amounts.

Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s – Studies have shown caprylic acid effective in controlling epileptic seizures and may also slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Medium chain triglycerides may improve brain function by providing ketones as energy.

Inflammatory Intestinal Disorders – Crohn’s disease and short-bowel syndrome have been shown to benefit from caprylic acid through the inhibition of IL-8 gene transcription. The medium chain triglycerides in caprylic acid can decrease secretion of inflammatory enzymes and cells and protect the epithelium.

High Blood Pressure – The Physicians Desk Reference Guide to Nutritional Supplements states some beneficial effects of caprylic acid on high blood pressure. Coconut oil has multiple cardiovascular benefits including lowering the risk of heart disease and LDL cholesterol while also raising the good HDL cholesterol.

With anti-bacterial and anti-viral components as well, caprylic acid is also used in household cleaners, perfumes and dyes.

Available forms

Caprylic acid is available in tablet, capsule and gel cap form with typically supplements containing 500 – 600 mg. These forms allow to slow release of the fatty acid into the intestines where Candida overgrowth commonly takes place.

Caprylic acid in the liquid form is not recommended for Candida treatment as it tends to be directed more to the liver. While this can greatly improve your cholesterol12, little anti-fungal effects will take place.


A dose of 1000 – 2000 mg per day is often recommended for adults in divided doses before each meal when treating Candida. When you first begin taking it as a supplement, small dose such as 500 mg once or twice per day with slow increases overtime will prevent major die-off symptoms. The treatment course is typically 3-4 months for Candida.

If you are not keen on swallowing pills, you will be happy to know that caprylic acid is tasteless, so it can easily be mixed into food or drinks as needed.

It is often recommended to take caprylic acid in combination with other antifungals such as black walnut, oregano oil, garlic and grapefruit seed extract, either together or a few hours apart, which increases effectiveness. While these additional components will help eliminate the yeast cells, they also moderate the toxins that create die-off symptoms.

Fatty acids may also be more effective when taken with a teaspoon of olive oil per day. Olive oil can also work to improve your cholesterol and lower blood pressure.


As caprylic acid will be working against Candida in your body, it is possibly you will experience die-off symptoms during treatment. Taking this antifungal in combination with others and herbs can minimize this reaction.

Speak with your doctor before using any supplements for your child. Children can have sensitive stomachs and may require a tailored dose.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women and those who have sensitive stomach should not take caprylic acid without speaking you’re your physician.

Caprylic acid can cause mild nausea or diarrhea in those with sensitive GI tracts. This can be a concern for pregnant women as well.

There are no known medication interactions with caprylic acid, but you should let your doctor know all supplements you take.


Coconut Oil is a source of caprylic acid which interferes with the cell walls of yeast. It contains lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid which all fight against yeast. Coconut oil also provide heart health benefits and may assist in weight loss. Starting with 1-2 tablespoon with breakfast and slowly building up to 5 tablespoons per day is recommended.

Garlic is a strong antifungal that can easily be added to your diet and consumed daily. Garlic contains ajoene which has the strongest effect inhibiting the growth and function of Candida by compromising its integrity and structure (look for this component in garlic supplements).

Undecenoic Acid can be used in combination with caprylic acid or alone with great results for Candida. This anti-fungal has been shown to be more effective than caprylic acid used alone.

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