When trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, people think that veggies are the way to go, This is not wrong! However, there are certain vegetables that sometimes do more harm than well, by destroying the intestinal flora or causing blockages.
Spinach leaves are rich in vitamins and high in vitamin K. Also, they are chefs’ favorites because of their wholesome nutritional, antioxidants and anti-cancer composition.
Quinoa, against popular belief, isn’t a grain at all. We may cook it and treat it like a grain, but botanically speaking, it’s a distant relative of spinach. Although we cook it as rice, quinoa is gluten-free and completely protein.
Is it a fruit? Is it a vegetable? Nonetheless, the pulpy gift of the Mayans to the world are rich in vitamins and world famous for their phyto-chemical properties. They are one of the low-calorie vegetables, holding just 18 calories per 100g. Moreover, tomatoes are low in fat contents with zero cholesterol levels, a great source of antioxidants, fibers and mineral. And the best part is that they do not lose their properties through cooking.
Therefore, we have come up with one of the healthiest and simplest recipes possible. Here it goes.
You will need:
- 6 ripe tomatoes
- 1 cup quinoa
- 4 cups fresh spinach
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbs olive oil
- salt to taste
- freshly ground pepper
- 2 cups of water
- probiotic yoghurt
- onions, parsley
Start by preheating the oven to 375.
Preparing the tomatoes: Slice off the stem end of the tomatoes and hollow out the inside. Do not throw the pulp, nothing should go to waste. Slice just a small section off of the bottom end of the tomatoes so that they will lay flat in the oven. Sprinkle a little bit of salt inside the tomato and place hollow side up on the baking sheet.
Now, prepare the quinoa. You will need 2 cups of water for a cup of quinoa ( rice needs 3 to 1). Place water and quinoa in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes or until cooked.
Heat the sesame oil along with the virgin oil in a saucepan and add spinach. Let cook for 3 minutes, then add the minced garlic, pepper and sesame seeds. Stir well and let cook until just wilted. Add the boiled quinoa and mix well.
Tip: If you have more than one saucepans, try and have them ready at the same time. This will lower your time in the kitchen.
Your tomatoes should be ready by now. Divide your mix and fill the tomatoes. Pop them back in the oven for 20’.
While in the oven, finely chop the onion and the parsley and mix with the yoghurt. This will make for a great topping. Store them in the refrigerator until served.
This is a great low calorie, low fat recipe for when you’re in a hurry, but also long for a warm home cooked meal.