Taking Probiotics with Undecenoic Acid

Many people have asked me if they can take CFort10 (Undecenoic acid) along with their probiotic.

According to the Microbiological Laboratories’ research department, “Fatty acids exert a fungistatic and fungicidal action on dermatophytes (fungi).” This is basically the same thing that the acid-producing bacteria in the probiotics do.

Undecenoic acid, being of course a medium-chain fatty acid, would perform the same function. So the answer would seemingly be “yes” … however, keep in mind that the optimal activity of Undecenoic acid is associated with a low pH balance in the intestines; which is why it’s advised to already be taking a regular acid-producing probiotic during the period of time that you’re taking CFort10. By the way, another advantage of Undecenoic acid (CFort10) is that it also inhibits the formation of the hyphae of Candida albicans, which are the long root-like structures of the fungus which bore into the intestinal walls causing Leaky Gut Syndrome.

As far as whether or not it’s acceptable to take both CFort10 and probiotics at the very same time, theoretically it doesn’t appear to me that it would make a difference.

In the past, several Candida sufferers have written to me concerning CFort10 and die-off used in the same sentence. This is an example of what I normally receive, “I decided to start CFort10 this week, and I have definitely noticed some additional die-off symptoms which had stopped with me, and other die-off symptoms which I was not receiving from my previous antifungal, Caprylic acid.” This person mentioned that she had been on the stricter Candida protocol for close over three months, so the beneficial bacteria she was taking had been hard at work establishing the necessary acidic environment in the intestines which would have allowed the Undecenoic acid to do a more efficient job as both an antifungal as well as further improving the environment and therefore enhancing the survival chances of the beneficial bacteria. Undecenoic acid is also capable of inhibiting the formation of the Candida hyphae. These are the structures which are responsible for boring in through the walls of the intestines causing Leaky Gut Syndrome.

S. Boulardii and Acid Producing Bacteria
I’ve had several Candida sufferers to write to me who have tried to stop taking their regular acid-producing bacteria and instead were taking the yeast probiotic, S. boulardii. They were all asking if they should stop taking it because, since they had stopped taking their regular probiotic acid-forming bacteria and began taking S. boulardii, some mild Candida symptoms had returned. I believe that this has nothing to do with the S. boulardii, but more to do with the simple fact that they stopped taking their regular, high doses of probiotics contain the acid-producing bacteria which had already began to reestablish themselves in the intestines.

According to some “Candida experts” if you’re already taking a regular acid-producing bacteria form of probiotic, you should stop taking these before starting the S. boulardii because (as the ‘experts’ claim) it can destroy the regular bacteria.

However, other sources such as Wholefoods Magazine claim that it’s perfectly acceptable to take a combination of S. boulardii and lactic-acid producing bacteria, and that S. boulardii can even be used to aid in restoring a healthy level of normal microflora in the intestines. In other words, the claim states that it is more beneficial when combining the S. boulardii with lactic-acid producing bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifido-bacteria.

Everything I’ve written above makes perfect sense when you consider that; after all, Saccharomyces Boulardii is lactic acid yeast.

Research is so conclusive on this information that several probiotic manufacturing companies have come up with a formula of using a mixture of both acid-forming bacteria as well as S. boulardii combined in one capsule. If I was treating a Candida albicans overgrowth at this time, and I intended to use a S. boulardii probiotic, personally, this is the formula I would want to use. The probiotic, Probacto, is a perfect example of this type of formula.

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