The Candida and Estrogen Connection

estrogenThere is a connection between Candida and estrogen, and the connections leads to a  condition called vaginal candidiasis. This article is about the problems associated with hormonal imbalance in the relation to the two aforementioned substances naturally present in the human body.

Candida overgrowth and hormonal imbalance are abnormalities in the way the body naturally functions. There is a natural tendency for the human body to give signals that alert us that there is something wrong. Those signals come in the form of symptoms. Marc Lambert, who specializes in Homeopathy and Candida overgrowth, clarified that a great deal of symptoms associated with the two earlier mentioned abnormalities are very much the same. Lambert explains that an imbalance in the hormone called estrogen affects women more than men primarily because of its significant role in the female anatomy than in a male’s. Estrogen as further elaborated by Lambert is produced in the ovaries, adrenals, fat cells, and bowel. Women are supposed to have far more estrogen than men.

An overgrowth in the otherwise harmless Candida can have adverse effects in the endocrine and immune systems. Such overgrowth can cause hormonal problems as well. Lambert provides an example of how that can happen. He details that the moment Candida waste generates false estrogen, the human body may get facts wrong. Such production may be mistakenly taken as a sign that the body has all the estrogen necessary, and will start producing less.

Vaginal Candidiasis

Lambert further warns that elevated estrogen levels can also lead to another condition known as vaginal candidiasis. In the information provided by about Vaginitis, it mentions that yeast infection, which is otherwise referred to as Vaginal Candidiasis, is also a result of the overgrowth discussed earlier. You can experience problems associated with yeast infection if you are under certain medications like antibiotics. A suppressed immune system can similarly result in such problems. Furthermore, if you are not able to get adequate sleep, have a poor diet or take oral contraceptives, you are at higher risk of contacting yeast infections in your private areas.

The Problem with Suspicions

According to Elizabeth Gunther Stewart, a Boston-based gynecologist, women usually assume that the characteristic discharge and irritation in the private areas are yeast infection. These ladies are not aware that those occurrences may also serve as signals for other conditions that require immediate attention. Following the common suspicion, there are women who would end up self-treating themselves in what they believe to be a yeast infection. They fail to realize the possibility that they may not be addressing the problem or worse, further aggravating their discomfort because they did not properly identify what they are treating themselves for. If you are ever unsure, the most important thing that you must do is get it diagnosed properly by a healthcare practitioner.

Look out for the Symptoms

In the article entitled “Vaginal Candidiasis”, found in the Better Medicine’s website, certain symptoms are enumerated. For one, it informs that those who are suffering from such conditions may also experience itching in the private area. Women with vaginal candidiasis may likewise notice a thick white discharge. Moreover, the area around the privates may also appear swollen and red. Pain may be felt during sexual intercourse or urination.

Pretending to be experts

Sometimes, the confusion lies in the similarities. Those similarities are what lead us to believe that a particular symptom is a sign of a certain condition. And then we form our own conclusions without initially setting the facts straight. Most often than not, we tend to assume that we already know what might be the problem with our bodies. As a result, we drop the need to seek professional assistance believing that we can work things out without it. Unfortunately, things do not always turn out the way we want them to. You and I are guilty of this. And it’s about time that you and I change our ways.

Know your body and visit your doctor

The wealth of information made available online makes it easy for us to understand more about our bodies. Gathering helpful data about what may bother us has never been this easy. However, even the most credible sources accessible online do not claim to replace proper medical care. It helps to do our homework and strive to grasp better the workings of our own body. Nevertheless, we should never fail to remember that we can only understand so much and we might even misinterpret things. It is important to keep in mind that someone who knows better is willing to help us address our problems, all we have to do is give our doctor a simple ring and book an appointment.

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