The Complete Candida Detox, Diet, and Protocol – 3 of 4

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: In the Beginning: Preparation
Chapter 2: Hunger and Weight Loss
Chapter 3: The Detox
Chapter 4: The Diet, Stage 1
Chapter 5: The Antifungals
Chapter 6: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs
Chapter 7: Digestion, Indigestion, and Depression
Chapter 8: Natural & Commercial Probiotics
Chapter 9: Candida’s Connection to Food Allergies
Chapter 10: Candida albicans: Immunity and Stress
Chapter 11: The Diet, Stage 2 and 3
Chapter 12: Recipes and Making a Change


The information offered here is a Candida treatment diet and treatment protocol consisting of specific foods that have been tested for use on a Candida diet and supplements. This is not part of a medical procedure which includes any treatments other than a diet and supplements. If you have specific problems which may require the assistance of a medical professional, then it is up to you to seek these treatments as they are not a part of this diet. We are not medical professionals, and therefore we do not have the authority to advise anyone on a treatment which is defined as a medical procedure. All we can do is to offer our own individual experiences and the research and experiments that we’ve conducted or bothered to research. If you know or believe that you need medical help, then please seek the consultation of a registered medical professional.

Digestion, Indigestion, and Depression
Chapter 7

indigestion burning stomachOnce you start the detox and diet, it seems that the digestion process always becomes more of a problem. I’ve always believed that this is due to the Candida aldehyde toxins which often cause so much stomach pain, gas and bloating, and general indigestion.

Betaine Hydrochloride (HCL) usually helps tremendously when a Candida sufferer is experiencing bloating, gas, and other digestion problems.  HCL should be taken after your meal, and, by the way, this will also help to improve the environment of the intestines for the beneficial bacteria. Follow the instruction on the container for taking HCL.

Digestive Swedish Bitters and HCL were both mentioned in the previous chapter, but this supplement is priceless when it comes to aiding your digestive process through the means of adding the needed digestive enzymes. The bitters do not contain enzymes themselves, but they stimulate your body to produce its own enzymes in the types and amounts needed. In other words, it retrains the body to do this for itself. The bitters will also cause a flushing action of the liver each time you use them, therefore detoxing and improving the health of the liver.

Bitters should always be taken 5 to 15 minutes before your meal. Be sure to purchase the form that contains no alcohol or ethanol. The principle of digestive bitters is a stimulation of the bitter receptors on the back of the tongue so you’ll only need to taste the bitter herbs in order for them to stimulate the vagus nerve on the tongue which will produce the enzymes; therefore 1/2 of a dropper full or 1/2 of a teaspoon dropped onto the back of the tongue before a meal will be enough to do the job; this is regardless of what the label may say. And as long as you are using the digestive bitters, you will not need to use additional, complete enzymes. Remember that you’ll need to follow the bitters with plenty of water. This is because of the flushing action that the bitters will have on the liver which removes toxins from the liver each time you use them.

Stress, Moodiness, and Insomnia

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb which is excellent for improving moods, sleep, and your energy level or stamina. Since Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, it’s capable of working to improve the performance of both your immune system and your adrenal glands, both of which will need to be working properly in order to bring your Candida infestation under control. These herbs also exhibit anti-inflammation properties and can help the body adapt to stress. Adaptogenic herbs have also shown a capacity for suppressing cancer cells in research studies as well as regenerating damaged nerve cells, and improve the health of the liver.

During the worst of my now-cured infestation, I was taking 3 capsules a day of Ashwagandha, and each capsule contained 500 mg of Ashwagandha extract containing 2.5% of the withanolides which are responsible for many of the positive properties of Ashwagandha.

If the lack of sleep is a bothersome problem for you, you could try adding Ashwagandha throughout the day and take a supplement of 5-Hydroxytryptophan, also called 5HTP at night, or day and night if you need more than one capsule. As far as the dosage amount of 5HTP is concerned; I was taking 3 capsules a day, morning, noon, and night at 100 mg each. It appears that 300 mg a day is a fairly normal amount for most people with sleeping problems.


Natural and Commercial Probiotics
Chapter 8

kefirWhen bacteria were first discovered, four centuries ago in 1676, they were named “animalcules” by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the man responsible for the discovery of bacteria. Anyone can make a guess as to why Mr. Leeuwenhoek decided to call his discovery “aminalclues” but my guess is, the creatures lived and moved on their own (animal) and they were very tiny creatures (miniscule), thus, animalcules.

I don’t know how I can stress to you how important beneficial bacteria are to your health and especially to any Candida treatment. The actual word ‘probiotic’ is a Greek word which means ‘for life.’ The word was initially used back in 1965 to describe live bacteria and how they may be able to produce a health benefit when used as a supplement. There were other definitions in the beginning such as, “A substance which is secreted by a particular microorganism which in turn stimulates the growth of another.” Of course we know that all of this is describing the beneficial flora which inhabits the intestines and colon of animals and humans.

Natural Probiotics: When you reach the point of ten days to two weeks from the day you actually started your Candida diet, you should be able to test a natural probiotic depending on your die-off symptoms at the time. If they are still too bothersome, wait another week. The natural probiotic should specifically be either homemade kefir or homemade yogurt, but not both in the same period; for the best outcome, I personally recommend homemade kefir. If you do start one of these at that time, you should definitely use homemade products only and not a commercial type of yogurt or kefir. I suggest that you continue to make and drink your own kefir throughout your treatment.

Around ten to fourteen days later you can test commercially purchased organic non-sweetened Greek yogurt. Many people have a problem with this, so if you do, please discontinue eating it and wait another three to four weeks before testing again.

NOTE: If you cannot get actual grains, you can use Kefir starter kits. They are not the same, but still better than store bought Kefir. If doing this is simply impossible for you, there are a few quality brands of kefir sold in health food stores as well as some supermarkets. Now that I’m over my own infestation, I purchase Lifeway Kefir which is commercially marketed in a ready-to-drink form.

Unexpected Symptoms: As always, if you experience any negative symptoms after having either kefir or yogurt, you should lessen the amount that you’ve tested. It may be that you can only handle one or two teaspoons of either of these for several days. If the result turns out to be symptoms which are too severe for you to go about your daily routine, then I suggest that you stop using the kefir or yogurt and wait a few more weeks to try it again.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to purchase commercial kefir, you’ll need to be even more careful with the amount that you drink in the beginning. This is because you have no way of knowing the degree of the fermentation process that the commercial kefir was subjected to. If the fermentation period was too short, then there’s going to be leftover sugar remaining in the kefir which will sabotage your treatment. So if you experience any type of “Candida symptom” at all, stop drinking the commercial kefir and consider making your own at home.

To repeat myself, homemade kefir will be the most beneficial whole food supplement.

Commercial Probiotics:
Ten days to two weeks after starting homemade kefir or yogurt (depending on your die-off symptoms) you can start taking a probiotic capsule. Or, if you prefer to not use homemade kefir or yogurt, you can start the probiotic instead of the natural probiotic – but either way, this is only providing you are taking Molybdenum Amino Acid Chelate. If you order probiotics over the Internet be sure to request that your order is shipped in an optional ice pack for protection, and when you receive them, they should be kept in a refrigerator for storage.

An ideal formula to take when you have a candida infestation is Probacto probiotics. I have written about it quite a bit so I’m writing about other choices, but you can find out more about the probiotics here. If you do not get Probacto, there are some alternatives that you can get.

Research: Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 as opposed to Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 secretes specific antifungal and antimicrobial agents which protect against type one diabetes and is also beneficial in treating a Candida albicans infestation. Although regular Lactobacillus acidophilus is beneficial, it does not do this.

Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 produces hydrogen peroxide, and researchers believe that DDS-1 can be used to supply hydrogen peroxide to oxidize thiocynate. Oxidized thiocynate has shown evidence that it plays a role in inhibiting the growth and maturity of Candida albicans.

There are probably several types of probiotics which contain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 instead of just regular Lactobacillus acidophilus. Just look for it on the list of strains shown on the label.

Two preferred probiotic brands are shown below this paragraph. You can choose either one of these to start with, but taking both at the same time is not necessary and even alternating the two isn’t necessary because they’re basically the same probiotic as far as quality and potency. I’ve simply posted two brands in order to make it easier for you to locate one of the brands. Always take a probiotic on an empty stomach with at least a half glass of water; the first thing in the morning and/or the last thing at night are excellent times.

Probacto Probiotics – Do Not Contain DDS-1 But I find it to be the ideal strain to treat a candida infestation. It’s been used very successfully, and is my #1 recommendation.

Innate Response – Flora 20-14 (20 billion – 14 strains) Ultra Strength 100% Whole Food Probiotic (with DDS-1)

MegaFlora by MegaFoodℱ – 14 Strains- 20 Billion Per Capsule (with DDS-1)

After ten days to two weeks on either of the probiotics above (depending again on your die-off symptoms), you will need to double your dose; this means to take one capsule at night and one in the morning with water on an empty stomach.

After completing the bottle of the first probiotic, you should purchase the HMF Probiotic below and alternate it with either Innate or MegaFlora.

HMF Neuro Probiotics by Genestra – 2 capsules a day. This doesn’t contain the DDS-1 strain, but it does contain other benefits; specifically it’s a human-origin probiotic and should colonize easily in the intestines.

After you complete the HMF probiotic, keep raising the count each time you make a new purchase of Innate or MagaFlora, and regardless of the probiotic you purchase, try to keep the strains at 14 or more (this is aside from the HMF which will normally contain a lower number of strains).

Once you increase the number of CFU’s, the following amounts are available.

  1. MegaFlora 50-14 (50 billion CFUs including DDS-1, 14 strains)
  2. Flora 50-14 from Innate Response (50 billion CFUs including DDS-1, 14 strains)
  3. Flora 200-14 from Innate Response (200 billion CFUs including DDS-1, 14 strains)
  4. Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotics (80 billion, 14 strains)

Candida’s Connection To Food Allergies
Chapter 9

food intolerance candidaThe majority of Candida sufferers have at least a mild case of Intestinal Mucosal Permeability, also known as Leaky Gut Syndrome whether they’re aware of it or not, because that’s what the Candida do, they attach to and then bore or root into the intestinal walls with their hyphae or root-like structures causing permeability or a “leaky gut”. Because of this, a Candida-related allergy is not a normal food allergy. These allergies are not caused by the specific foods themselves, but by the leaky gut allowing undigested food particles to be expelled through the damaged areas of the intestines straight into the blood stream.

When these undigested food particles, such as undigested proteins escape through the leaks of the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, the immune system sees them as a threat, or in other words an attacking antigen; and this will result in a food sensitivity. So as you can see, it’s not a matter of simply becoming allergic to a specific food, it’s a matter of every food you eat potentially leaking into the bloodstream and therefore possibly becoming an antigen to which the immune system will respond with an allergic reaction. In other words, the higher the number of foods you eat, the higher the risk of food allergies because every food has the potential of leaking into your bloodstream.

Please click here for the final part of the Complete Candida Detox.

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