Over twenty years ago, Dr. John R. Lee became a pioneer in the use and applications of progesterone for women going through menopause because of lowering levels of estrogen.
Progesterone is called the “mother of all hormones” and for a good reason, progesterone is the hormone from which every other hormone in your body is made, including estrogen, which is why it is often recommended as use for estrogen replacement. Research studies have shown over and over again that a supplement containing a natural progesterone cream can increase progesterone levels as well as estrogen, and this is without causing the serious side effects which using estrogen often induces.
Progesterone is both a male and female hormone, and today, progesterone cream is used in hormone therapy treatments for men, women, and children.
If you’re wondering whether progesterone is completely safe or not, Dr. Lee once made the statement, “We know that transdermal progesterone is very affective, very convenient, and very safe. Overdoses do not hurt anybody. An overdose might mess up your period; it could cause the period to change as to when it comes in the month.”
A little known fact about menopause, estrogen, and progesterone is; when a woman is going through menopause, her estrogen levels can decrease anywhere between 40 and 60%. What isn’t talked about enough is the fact that her progesterone levels will sometimes decrease to very close to zero. This means too many times the symptoms that she is experiencing are caused by and estrogen dominance. As you can see by this, estrogen replacement therapy will only correct part of the problem, but never all. This is why using progesterone replacement is more effect than is estrogen replacement, especially for menopausal women.
Testing for Low Progesterone Levels:
Generally, testing for progesterone levels is a waste of time and money because there are so many factors which can temporarily cause a low reading of progesterone. First, believe it or not, the level of progesterone can vary depending on one’s location. For example, if you lived in the far north where the nights are very long and darkness seems to go on forever, the levels of progesterone will normally drop. If a woman is taking birth control pills and it contains progestogens, then this can lower her progesterone levels. Then there’s the problem of the ovaries secreting progesterone causing the progesterone reading to vary within a 30 minute period. Women who are not ovulating at the time have a lower level. So, since it’s so inexpensive and basically risk free, the best way to determine if one needs progesterone replacement is probably to try it and see if it makes a difference in any bothersome symptoms such as mood swings and hot flashes.
“What if I’m already taking estrogen?” If you’re already on estrogen replacement therapy, between two and three months of using progesterone may be necessary in order to increase as well as maintain the level of progesterone and in some cases, to alleviate the dominance of estrogen.
When the correct amounts of natural progesterone are used, this sometimes causes a sense of euphoria for women. This is during the period of time that the body is balancing the progesterone to estrogen ratio. Also, as the body begins to adjust to the estrogen receptors in the body becoming more sensitive, a woman can experience a light case of acne.
Where on the body should progesterone cream be applied?
A natural form of progesterone can be applied to the skin, preferably to areas such as the back of the knees, tops of the hands, neck, top of shoulders, tops of feet, or the upper chest area, and, supposedly, applying to the hands produces a rapid absorption. In other words, for better absorption, use it anywhere on the body where there’s very little fat. It’s also suggested that the area receiving the progesterone cream is alternated every day.
How much Natural Progesterone should I use?
Of course, the amount of progesterone you apply depends completely on the hormonal as well as whether or not you menstrual, and if so, the current status of your menstruation.
During the reproductive years when you’re still ovulating you would likely use progesterone for controlling problems of Premenstrual syndrome. The progesterone hormone will also protect the bones from early osteoporosis as well as in the later early.
The instructions for using progesterone cream duration the reproductive years as well as afterwards should be on the container. The suggested dose is usually around ¼ of a teaspoon applied every day, or if you prefer, you can apply the cream 1/8 of a teaspoon twice each day at different times of the day.
- Normalizes blood sugar levels and reduces cravings.
- Protects the body against breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancers.
- Increases the body’s use of fat for energy.
- A natural diuretic.
- Alleviates symptoms of menopause.
- If used during the reproductive years, it alleviates menstrual cramps. This can be accomplished faster by rubbing the progesterone cream directly into the stomach.
- Restores natural sex drive.
- Protects against abnormal blood clotting.
- Acts as a natural antidepressant.
- Reduces the pain of arthritis, especially when rubbed into the affected joint area.
- Protects the body against endometriosis and uterine fibroids.
- Since cortisone is a natural anti-inflammatory substance, and progesterone is a precursor of cortisone, it reduces inflammation problems.
- Instead of increasing the chance of heart problems as estrogen sometime does, progesterone normally lessens the chance of heart problems.
Image credit shawncampbell @ Creative Commons – http://www.flickr.com/photos/thecampbells/
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