The Metabolism of the Fungus Candida Albicans and the resulting Metabolites Produced during the Process

Metabolism is the biochemical assimilation as well as the dissimilation of vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients by a cell. Metabolites are the substances that are produced by and during the process of metabolism or by a metabolic process.

Metabolites can be described as the compounds which are synthesized by plants or animals for uses such as growth as well as for protection against other plants and animals. In other words, metabolites are produced during the process of the metabolism of plants and animals. Metabolites are completely responsible for the breakdown of all foods as well as the chemicals and other substances. During the process of metabolism, these substances are changed into energy as well as substances which are needed for health, growth, and the reproduction of each individual cell. Metabolism can also act as a removal tool used for removing various potentially dangerous and toxic substances from a body or plant.

Metabolism can be described as the entirety of all chemical reactions which are involved during the maintenance of cells and organisms. Thereā€™s a definite link between metabolism and nutrition which includes the availability of nutrients from the substances which are taken in or ingested by a plant or animal.

Positive Metabolites: If youā€™ve read very much about treating a Candida overgrowth, you probably know that many fatty acid metabolites are beneficial during a Candida treatment; these include the acid metabolites of vitamin C as well as the acid-producing bacteria such as the lactic acid bacteria which are the bacteria responsible for the fermentation of foods or liquids. The reason that these bacteria are beneficial during a Candida albicans treatment is because the acid which they produce is a metabolite that is capable of turning off the fungal gene of Candida, thus preventing the benign Candida yeast from changing into the fungus we know as Candida albicans.

Metabolites of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Butyric acid is a metabolite or substance produced by lactic acid bacteria. During research studies, these bacteria have shown the ability to inhibit the germination of Candida albicans. The word “germination” refers to the act of developing and or growing. Overall, these fatty acid metabolites of lactic acid bacteria produce a reaction which prevents the growth and development of Candida albicans. Lactic acid bacteria are found in kefir and commercial probiotics.

Negative Metabolites: Tartaric acid is a highly toxic by-product or metabolite of Candida albicans. It was shown in research studies that children who suffer from autism as well as children and adults who suffer from a Candida albicans or yeast overgrowth contain notably higher concentrations of tartaric acid in their urine than those who do not have a yeast or fungal Candida problem. The measure of tartaric acid in children with autism will often show their urine content of tartaric acid to be 400-600 times the amount of children without autism. Itā€™s reasonable to assume that the tartaric acid measure would be higher in those who have a Candida overgrowth.

In addition, sufferers of Fibromyalgia who were tested for tartaric acid have shown up to 50 times the normal level of tartaric acid in their blood than the normal adult.

Acetaldehyde: The metabolism of Candia albicans also produces other metabolites; many of these metabolites are toxic to human beings. In fact, Candida albicans produce as many as 79 different toxins, but one of these toxins is called acetaldehyde which is a very toxic substance to human beings. If you have a Candida infestation and have treated it to any degree, then you probably know “acetaldehyde” by its more common description of die-off toxins or Herxheimer Syndrome. These toxins generally occur as the Candida albicans are being destroyed by a Candida diet or by treating the infestation with antifungals or probiotics.

Ethanol: Another metabolite produced during the metabolism of Candida albicans is ethanol (alcohol). Concerning this metabolite, there is a medical term by the name of “auto-brewery syndrome” which can occur when too much of the ethanol is produced in the body by Candida albicans or another form of fungus. A person who has auto-brewery syndrome is described as having a fully functioning “brewery” operating in his or her intestines 24 hours a day, or as long as thereā€™s sugar or carbohydrates available for fermentation by an overgrowth of a fungus such as Candida albicans. The results of auto-brewery are normally the feeling of being drunk or of experiencing a hangover and all the symptoms of a hangover. This syndrome is usually accompanied by other symptoms which are normally experienced during a Candida infestation of the body. The symptoms of auto-brewery syndrome may decrease or increase and become more severe as the population of size of the Candida infestation grows to larger proportions due to specific foods being ingested by the human host.

Ammonia: Ammonia is another metabolite produced during the metabolism of Candida albicans. This toxic substance as well as ethanol is basically produced in order to change the environment inside the intestines to a more hospitable environment for the Candida albicans to survive and reproduce. Ammonia is another of the many causes of the long list of symptoms which stem from the metabolites of the Candida albicans infestation inside the human body.

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